How To Make Faux Cakes

What is a faux cake? How do you make them? Let’s find out together! Join Mom and I in creating our own version of DIY faux cakes.


We’d like to credit Cristal Gonzalez for these amazing ideas. Follow her on FB for more! - Let her know we sent you 😜

Supplies we’ve used (below) for this faux cake tutorial.

You can find many of the products mentioned above at hardware or craft stores near you at varying prices. The links provided are for your convenience for online ordering.

Steps to follow:

  1. Base coat the cylinder gift box with white paint.

  2. Divide spackle for different colors you’ll need.

  3. Add preferred paint colors to one batch of spackle and mix until you achieve desired color.

  4. Use spackle or putty knife to spread spackling on the gift box.

  5. Mix the white base coat paint in with another batch of spackle to get rid of the gray tint.

  6. Add white spackle into piping bag with tip on, twist top to push it down and squeeze onto the faux cake.

  7. Add your toppings! Make sure to do it while it’s still wet so they’ll stick.

  8. Allow your faux cake to dry a few hours before moving.


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