Embellished Coco Chanel Picture Frame

A FUN and crazy gift idea for friends that love beautiful handmade items. You can get so creative with picture frames. Watch as Debi takes a simple Hobby Lobby frame and creates her own unique version featuring Coco Chanel and champagne.



  • picture frame

  • printed quotes (one large to fit inside frame, one small to add on the side of frame)

  • vintage images that can be printed off the internet, scrapbook paper, or from magazines.

  • rhinestone trim

  • rhinestone crowns (because bling is a must!)

  • stickles (glisten, mercury glass, or diamond)

  • glue stick

  • hot glue gun and glue

  • scissors

  • cardboard (for backing images)

Make sure to watch the video above for more detailed instructions.


  1. Cut out your large quote to fit the inside of the frame, remove the glass or plastic to use as an outline if needed. Add the quote inside the frame.

  2. Glue your vintage image(s) to the pieces of cardboard and cut them out. Then glue the cutout to the frame.

  3. Hot glue the crown or whichever bling you chose to your vintage cutout.

  4. Take the small quote and any other images you’d like to use. Glue them to your cutout.

  5. Glue on the rhinestone trim around the inner portion of the frame (or wherever you think is best!)

  6. Use the stickles to add MORE bling wherever you want to add it. Continue to decorate until you are happy with it.


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